Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Intimate family wedding at Comlongon Castle…

I love photographing weddings at Comlongon Castle. Especially when I meet such fantastic fun people like Steve and Jeanette.

With only a total of 14 close family and friends it was a great wedding to photograph.

I started out in the newly built contemporary lodge set in the grounds of the castle. It was easy photographing Jeanette and her daughters who were so relaxed and friendly. Just loved the purple hair sorry if I kept going on about how cool it looked!!

During the ceremony…

The fabulous grounds of the castle

Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day. Bet you had a great honeymoon in Vegas!


  1. "Looks even better than I remember!" Steve

  2. Album has arrived and all looks good!
    Wish I could do it all again, and yes that even includes the photos!

    Thanks again

  3. christine deane25 June 2011 at 23:31

    A lovely album Jeanette you all look fab
