Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Ryan & Andrea... late November at Comlongon

Comlongon Castle looked amazing as Ryan and Andrea held their very intimate wedding there two weeks ago. Ryan and his family who had travelled from Ireland were there alongside Andrea's family to see these two special people get married. They met each other on the internet and after searching for the perfect venue they decided that Comlongon was the place to seal their love for one another.

I started out taking them with their families as they got ready in opposite ends of the Castle..

Andrea was getting ready in the fabulous cottage in the grounds of the castle..Thanks to Laura Kerr for doing such a great job of Andrea's hair and make-up.

The autumn leaves on the trees were fabulous against the blue sky and as the light of the day started to fade Andrea and Ryan met in the keep of the castle.

Everyone was waiting for them and with the sound of the roaring fire in the background they exchanged their vows.

Andrea and her sister Natalie looking gorgeous in the keep after the ceremony..

Ryan and Andrea opted for a 3pm wedding and so the light started to fade fast but we managed to get in some shots of the exterior of the castle....

The sky looked very dramatic and dark... a big storm came but we took refuge inside the castle and with the rain and hail hammering down on the windows I said my goodbyes.

Ryan and Andrea I wanted to say a big thanks to you for choosing me to take your photographs you were great to work with and I loved all those Irish accents!! I hope you loved the island of La Gomera where you honeymooned it is a very special place!


  1. Hi Naomi,

    Thank you so much the photos are fantastic. I love
    them! It's great to be able to see them - it brings it all back. I
    can't wait to see the rest...

    Thanks again,


  2. They are a wonderful couple. May I see how their wedding card look like?
